8 Room Citizenship Villa Antalya
- €625,000.00
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The INEST HOMES company operates in the sale and rental of real estate on the coast of the Antalya region.
We work with objects of different specifics and price categories. We offer objects from a ready-made catalog on our website, as well as select objects in accordance with the wishes of the buyer. We specialize in the sale of apartments, villas, land plots. We help to get used to and settle in a new place of residence.
Our company is a team of energetic and responsible people. We are well versed in legal issues at every stage of the transaction. Having accumulated successful experience in the real estate industry for over 12 years.
Higher legal education
Experience as a lawyer 20 years
12 years of successful experience in real estate in Turkey
Client interests – the main task, which I take with the utmost responsibility and care. I have been protecting the rights of citizens and organizations for 20 years, and therefore I emphasize professionalism and comfortable execution of the transaction as important in my work, I constantly try to expand the scope of free services.