So, among the most common scenarios for transferring money abroad by an individual is the sending by a citizen of the Russian Federation (or other foreign currency resident - natural person) funds from his account in a Russian bank to the account of a resident recipient in a foreign bank.
This operation can be carried out:
no restrictions on the amount - if the sender and the recipient are close relatives (subparagraphs 12, 17, paragraph 1 of article 9 of Law No. 173-FZ);
capped at $ 5,000 in other cases.
In the first case, the bank may request from the sender of funds documents confirming relationship with the recipient, for example, a copy of the recipient's passport, marriage certificate, birth certificate.
Transfer of funds from Russian individuals-residents to other individuals who live abroad through specialized systems such as Western Union is carried out in accordance with the same rules of law in the field of currency regulation that govern transfers through financial institutions.
Another common foreign exchange operation with the participation of resident individuals is the sending of funds from an account in a Russian bank to their own account in a foreign credit institution.
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish restrictions on the amount of such transfers. However, it obliges individuals carrying out these transactions to provide the bank with a notification in the prescribed form about informing the tax inspectorate about the presence of an account abroad (clause 4 of article 12 of Law No. 173-FZ). It is enough to show this notification to the bank once - for subsequent transfers, it will not ask for it.
If a resident individual sends a transfer to a non-resident abroad, there are no restrictions on this operation (Article 6 of Law No. 173-FZ). Likewise, if funds are sent abroad by a non-resident for a resident or another non-resident (Article 10 of Law No. 173-FZ).
INEST HOMES company advises its clients in detail on the correctness of money transfers to Turkey and helps to avoid unnecessary questions from the government. organs.