We all really need the sea, and not because the stereotype of going on vacation has become established.
certainly to the sea, but for objective reasons related to our physical and
mental health.
It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of vitamin D. But this is not easy
vitamin. I would like to share some interesting information with you. We all get along
"Contagious" covid time, and we know that this terrible virus infects the respiratory
paths. And here's what we learned. There was one major study that looked at
the condition of 11 321 people aged from several months to 95 years. Normal
vitamin D levels showed that the risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection
decreased by 12-25% (depending on concomitant diseases).
In Russia, vitamin D deficiency is recorded in 74-83.2% of the population. At risk
there are elderly people, children, pregnant and lactating women.
The first prerequisite for maintaining normal vitamin D levels is to stay
in the sun for at least 20-30 minutes a day with open palms and without sunscreen.
Dear ones, this does not mean that such a procedure should be done at noon at
very hot. Take care of yourself.
The second important source of vitamin D is food, including
most rich in vitamin D wild fish, butter, lactic acid
Well, what is the Mediterranean without a fish? But it is in different types of fish of this
a lot of vitamin. There is even a special Mediterranean diet for those who
wants to lose weight and improve health.
Sea water is very beneficial for both the skin and the body as a whole. In addition to
minerals in sea water contain amino acids and vitamins, with which
the human body goes through a kind of reboot. Sea bathing and healing
salty air - prevention of asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, as well as local pain and
ailments. In addition, they calm the nervous system, relax muscles and
improve the quality of sleep.
At the resort, we move more and eat better. We're walking to the beach
we go on the way back to the markets or to the grocery market, where once a week
bring the freshest products. The variety is great, huge fans of lettuce leaves,
fruits and vegetables grown in a neighboring village, but I don't think about citrus fruits in general
worth talking about because we all know that the subtropics abound in these fruits. Closer to
autumn, be careful on the streets, figs may fall on you. Yes, these trees grow in
city at every turn.
Our ancestors knew that the sea is useful. Let's start with the fact that this is the best
psychological support. The vibrating waves, their uniform noise soothes,
relieve stress from the nervous system. The sea air seems to "ventilate" the head.
Blood circulation in the brain improves, bad thoughts disappear, solutions are found,
seemingly hopeless situations.
We are always looking forward to summer, and one of the reasons is sunbathing,
the opportunity to bask in the sun and get a beautiful tan. Now many can
afford a vacation in hot countries at any time of the year, which means that the
risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun.
By purchasing an apartment or a villa with our company, you will receive a liquid investment
money, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the sea regardless of
the cost of a tourist voucher.